What is Hard Water and How it Ruins your Home?

Water is the component which is essential to maintain human life. Without water, humans cannot survive. Water is not only used for consumption but it is also used in households for various tasks like cleaning and cooking. It is necessary that the water used for consumption, cleaning and cooking should be clean and free of pollutants. The water should not be ‘hard’. Hard water is the type of water which contains a specific amount of calcium and magnesium particles. If the concentration of calcium carbonate in water is more than 10.5 grains per gallon, the water is considered to be very hard.

There are several signs of hard water that can be noticed by homeowners. Hard water can cause telltale scaly and white buildup around the kitchen fixtures and faucets. This is a classical sign of hard water. Along with these signs, the local water supplier can provide an annual report in which data is provided about the water quality.

Hard water can ruin homes. It can destroy the appliances and disrupt the infrastructure. Following are different ways through which hard water can cause havoc in households:

  • Hard water is the cause of buildup of heavy minerals along the water pipes of the house. This can cause clogs in the shower drains and sinks. If this condition is left untreated, it can cause damage to the pipes and even cause leaks.
  • Calcium deposits from hard water can cause the blockage of nozzles, sprayers, pumps and drains of appliances like washing machines, dishwashers, coffee makers and various other items. Clogged pipes due to hard water will result in obstructed water flow to and from these appliances. This decreases the efficacy and lifespan of the household appliances.
  • The suspended calcium and magnesium particles are deposited in heaters. This can cause a sharp decrease in the efficacy and performance of the heaters.
  • Hard water can also effect humidifiers as the magnesium and calcium particles are deposited in them as well. This reduces the efficacy of humidifiers.
  • Hard water ultimately ends up affecting the wallets of house owners. As stated above, hard water decreases the efficacy and performance of household appliances. That will cause the house owners to spend money and get new appliances which will put a strain on their pockets.

It is crucial to take necessary measures to deal with hard water.

Toxic Household Products that You Didn’t Know About

There are several products that are being used in households in order to ease out tasks. These products provide convenience and aid the members of the house in many ways. One important factor that needs to be kept in mind is regarding the toxicity of these products. It is necessary to investigate about the products being used in the house and find out about their toxicity status. This will enable the users to take wise decisions regarding these products keeping in mind their health and well being. Many household products have been proven to be toxic for the human health. Following is a list of some of these products which are toxic:


  • Drain Cleaners:

Drain cleaners are used to unclog drains and sinks. These are useful products and come in handy whenever sinks or drains get clogged but their usefulness should not over shadow the fact that these cleansers are toxic. The cleansers are made up of harmful substances like lye and other different chemicals which are known to cause skin and eye burns and even blindness in extreme cases. These cleansers are so dangerous that even if a small amount of them is swallowed, it can harm the throat and stomach and even cause death.


  • Carpet or Upholstery Cleaners:

Carpet or upholstery cleaners are convenient household products that are used by people to keep their furniture and carpets clean. Unfortunately these cleansers contain toxic substances like naphthalene which is known to cause damage to liver and formation of cataract in individuals who are exposed to this chemical for a long time. Another chemical used in carpet cleansers is known as perchloroethylene. This chemical is a known carcinogenic.


  • Air Fresheners:

Air fresheners are readily used by people to keep the indoors of their houses smelling nice, clean and fresh. These air fresheners are known to contain formaldehyde which is a strong substance and is possibly a carcinogenic chemical. They also contain several other chemicals which are know to cause damage to the nervous system and pulmonary edema in individuals who are sensitive.


To conclude, there are many household items that have proven to be toxic and harmful for the human health. One should be mindful and vigilant while purchasing household items. People should look for the ingredients of the products or any possible signs on the packaging that indicate danger or toxicity.

Clean Water is not just for Drinking, How Hard Water is Bad for your Skin

Water is one of the most essential components of human life. Water is not merely used for drinking. It is used for cooking, bathing and cleaning purposes as well. In order to maintain a healthy life, it is necessary that the quality of the water being used is up to the mark. In simpler words, the water being used should not be ‘hard’ water.

Hard water is generally defined as the type of water which contains minerals like calcium and magnesium particles. These particles significantly decrease the quality of water. Hard water is not only harmful to consume, it also has a bad impact upon the skin if it is used to wash the face and take bath.

Following are some of the points which highlight that how the use of hard water has several adverse effects on the skin of the users:

  • Hard water is responsible for disrupting the moisture level of the skin. Using hard water to shower and wash face causes the skin to dry out. Moisturizers and lotions do not penetrate well in the skin which has been exposed to hard water.
  • Hard water makes it difficult to clean the soap residue from the skin while showering or washing the face. This causes improper cleaning of the skin.
  • As stated above, hard water disrupts the moisture level of skin, making the skin dry. Dry skin become irritated and scaly which makes the individual uncomfortable.
  • When hard water makes direct contact with the skin, it leaves behind deposits of minerals on the skin. One of these minerals is calcium. The presence of calcium on skin upsets the levels of natural oils and also end up clogging the pores. Disturbed levels of natural oils means dry, itchy skin as stated above while clogged pores will result in the appearance of pimples. Hence, hard water can also cause acne breakouts.
  • Hard water is also harmful for skin of the head which is commonly known as scalp. When hard water is used to wash hair, it dries them out. The traces of shampoo cannot be washed out completely using hard water. This leaves a film of shampoo in scalp which can further lead to dryness and irritation of scalp. Conditions like dandruff are also aggravated by the use of hard water to wash the scalp.

Is the Water you Drink Killing You?

Water is the building block of life. It is the most essential component required for survival and thriving. Humans can live longer without food but even a few hours without water can have serious detrimental effects on the human health.

The water which we consume should not only be readily available but should also be clean and fit for consumption. It is very essential to consume water which is clean and free of any sort of pollutants in order to maintain proper health and well being. Water which is unclean can impose serious hazards to health if consumed.


Following are some of the ways in which unclean drinking water influences health in a negative manner:

  • Salmonella is a type of bacteria which is present in unclean and untreated water. When such water is consumed, it can cause typhoid. The individuals who get typhoid experience symptoms like vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal cramps. These symptoms can get severe and result in serious health decline of the patient.
  • Untreated and unclean water contains harmful substances like lead, mercury. These substances are seriously harmful for the human body so when unclean water loaded with these harmful chemicals is consumed, it can pose serious threats to the health of the consumer.
  • Water can be contaminated with polio virus due to unsatisfactory sanitation. Such water when left untreated and consumed by an individual can cause that individual to develop polio which is a serious disease.
  • Consumption of unclean and unhealthy water can cause dysentery which makes the body deficient of fluids and minerals.
  • Water can be contaminated with poisons. Such water when consume can causes serious consequences, even death of the consumer.

There is no doubt about the fact that water is extremely essential for survival. In addition to this, it is also necessary that the water which is consumed by humans should be clean, treated if unclean and fit for consumption. Frequent testing of drinking water should be done in order to make sure that it is safe to drink and use. If the drinking water is unclean and filthy, it can cause serious health complications that range from typhoid, diarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, dysentery and even polio. These ailments can have serious complications. Water which is a sign of life can be life threatening if it is unclean and contaminated. The consumers should be mindful of this.

The Best Way to Improve your Health (Drink Better Water)

Health is the most important aspect of human life. A healthy individual is able to perform the daily tasks effectively and efficiently as compared to those who are unhealthy. People should give prime importance to their health and should prioritize it above anything else. This ensures that people get to enjoy their lives and carry out their tasks in an efficient manner. Water is one of the most crucial resources that are required by humans to survive. Water and human health have a deep connection with each other. Both of these things are interlinked. Drinking clean water guarantees that the health of the consumer will get better. Having access to adequate amount of clean drinking water is necessary to maintain good health. The human body consists of almost 60% of water. One can go for weeks without consuming food but cannot survive past a couple of days without drinking water. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the consumption of two liters of clean water per day in order to remain hydrated and healthy.

Following are some of the points that highlight that why the consumption of clean water is necessary to improve health:

  • The human body requires clean water to preform many vital functions. When clean water is consumed, it flushes out toxins from the body, helps in digestion and keeps the body hydrated. Water charged with electrolytes maintains the electrolyte balance of the body.
  • Drinking clean water improves energy levels and consciousness of an individual.
  • The consumption of clean water ensures that waste products and adequate nutrients are transported properly. This has a positive impact upon the overall human health.
  • When individuals consume clean water, it helps in maintaining the body temperature of these people. Normal body temperature is an indicator of a healthy
  • It is important to make sure that the water being consumed is clean. If the water is filthy, it is highly likely that it will be contaminated by bacteria and viruses. Drinking such water will have serious consequences for the consumer who can develop conditions like diarrhea, typhoid, dysentery and even polio. Therefore, in order to maintain and improve the health status, it is crucial to drink clean water

The consumption of clean water will make sure that the consumer remains fit and healthy. Clean water boosts the health status of the consumers.

Plastic Water Bottles are Bad for the Environment and your Health

Plastic water bottles are readily available across the markets. These bottles are easily accessible, cheap, and convenient to use therefore a huge amount of people purchase these bottles on a daily basis. Despite the convenience, the fact cannot be denied that plastic water bottles are a serious threat to the environment and the health of the consumers. Plastic has known to have several adverse effects when it comes to environment and the human health. Following are some of the points that highlight why plastic water bottles are bad for the environment as well as the human health:

  • It is estimated that approximately 9% of the plastic gets recycled whereas the remaining 91% of plastic reaches the landfills or the oceans. This is an alarming sign because the plastic which is not recycled is hazardous for the marine life when it is dumped into the oceans. This plastic also ends up in our food when we eat something that has been sourced from these oceans hence causing a serious threat to the consumers of the sea food.
  • Plastic water bottles are made from a chemical known as polyethylene terephthalate. This chemical is hazardous and it mimics the endocrine enzymes. It is also responsible for serious adverse effects including BPH and prostate cancer. Using plastic water bottles increases the risk of development of these diseases in humans.
  • The fact that plastic takes several years to disintegrate also shows that plastic water bottles which are not recycled end up creating a lot of waste. This increases the pollution and degrades the level of cleanliness of the environment.

There is no doubt that plastic water bottles are very easy to use. They are cost effective as well because they are not very expensive to buy in the first place. Also, another aspect that makes plastic water bottles popular among the masses is the perception that bottled water is the cleanest water to drink. All of these factors largely contribute to excessive use of plastic bottles. The use of plastic bottles is becoming inevitable now. It is the need of the hour to switch to environment friendly packaging that are also safe for the human health. Also, initiatives like free plastic bottle refills should also be introduced by authorities in order to make sure that new purchases of plastic bottles remain to the minimum.

10 Important Reasons Why We Need Water Purification Now!

Local water supplies are treated to reduce the presence of contaminants, such as bacteria, lead, mercury and pollutants. However, these contaminants can sometimes enter water through accidents or through the improper disposal of certain materials. In order to make sure you’re well-protected from these, water purification in Charlotte is a must. The purification process helps remove contaminants that might have entered your drinking water. Here are some of the top reasons as to why you need water purification.

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Why Filtering Your Water Is a Necessity

If you care about your health, filtering your household water is more a necessity than an option these days. Water pollution has become a very significant problem that simply cannot be ignored any longer.

It doesn’t matter where you live, as many of the most dangerous chemicals find their way into the ecosystem and food chain, spreading from one continent to another, as described in a recent article by Prevent Disease.

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Water purification

Water purification is the removal of contaminants from raw water to produce drinking water that is pure enough for human consumption or for industrial use.

Substances that are removed during the process include parasites (such as Giardia or Cryptosporidium) , bacteria, algae, viruses, fungi, minerals (including toxic metals such as Lead, Copper etc.), and man-made chemical pollutants.

Many contaminants can be dangerous—but depending on the quality standards, others are removed to improve the water’s smell, taste, and appearance.

A small amount of disinfectant is usually intentionally left in the water at the end of the treatment process to reduce the risk of re-contamination in the distribution system.

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Properly Filter Your Water

Each year, red flags over toxic drinking water are raised across the U.S., with reasons varying from location to location. One major problem is aging water pipes, which have become an increasingly common source of toxic exposure. In fact, in a 2013 report, the American Society for Civil Engineers warned that most of the drinking water infrastructure across the nation is “nearing the end of its useful life.”

The American Water Works Association estimates it would cost more than $1 trillion to update and replace all the water pipes in the U.S. — money that many water utilities do not have. Water pollution is another grave concern, as water treatment plants cannot filter out all of the toxins now entering the water, from firefighting chemicals and agricultural chemicals, to drugs and microcystins, nerve toxins produced by freshwater cyanobacteria.

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Top bottled water brands contaminated with plastic particles: report

Miami (AFP) – The world’s leading brands of bottled water are contaminated with tiny plastic particles that are likely seeping in during the packaging process, according to a major study across nine countries published Wednesday.

“Widespread contamination” with plastic was found in the study, led by microplastic researcher Sherri Mason of the State University of New York at Fredonia, according to a summary released by Orb Media, a US-based non-profit media collective.

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Hundreds of OC homes could face possible damaging leaks from holes in pipes

When Enrique Del Rivero turns on the tap, he worries that water could also be flowing elsewhere.

“It is stressful. It’s always on the back of your mind,” said the husband and father of two.

The Del Rivero’s moved to Ladera Ranch in South Orange County in 2006. The home with the view just two years old. He said the stress began several years later in 2012, when they returned from a week-long vacation.
“You could touch the ceiling and your fingers could go through the ceiling,” he said about the water damage.

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Pinhole leaks plague South County homeowners

The Bustos family was knee-deep in a remodel to their 12-year-old Ladera Ranch home when their daughter noticed something odd: bubbling white paint on new base molding.

“My husband said, ‘That’s water,’ ” Pam Bustos said, recalling that mid-October night.

The maple hardwood floors they’d just paid $3,000 to refinish felt warm beneath their bare feet as they pulled a buffet cabinet out from a freshly painted wall. Then they saw seeping evidence of a problem that would cost nearly $17,000 to fix and is still causing the family grief.

Lead-Laced Water In Flint: A Step-By-Step Look At The Makings Of A Crisis

Lead seepage into the drinking water in Flint, Mich., has caused a massive public health crisis and prompted President Obama to declare a federal state of emergency there.

The problem began when the city switched its water supply in 2014. Almost immediately, residents of Flint — a majority-black city where 40 percent of people live in poverty — started complaining about the quality of the water. City and state officials denied for months that there was a serious problem.

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Assured water was safe, Newark residents outraged after testing reveals lead contamination

Four years after Flint, Michigan’s water crisis first captured nationwide attention, Newark, New Jersey also faces questions about its water supply. About 15,000 lead pipes connect the city’s reservoir to homes. Newark officials had insisted the water was safe, but state testing found elevated lead levels. The city is now facing a lawsuit from a non-profit on behalf of residents.

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