10 Important Reasons Why We Need Water Purification Now!

Local water supplies are treated to reduce the presence of contaminants, such as bacteria, lead, mercury and pollutants. However, these contaminants can sometimes enter water through accidents or through the improper disposal of certain materials. In order to make sure you’re well-protected from these, water purification in Charlotte is a must. The purification process helps remove contaminants that might have entered your drinking water. Here are some of the top reasons as to why you need water purification.

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Water purification

Water purification is the removal of contaminants from raw water to produce drinking water that is pure enough for human consumption or for industrial use.

Substances that are removed during the process include parasites (such as Giardia or Cryptosporidium) , bacteria, algae, viruses, fungi, minerals (including toxic metals such as Lead, Copper etc.), and man-made chemical pollutants.

Many contaminants can be dangerous—but depending on the quality standards, others are removed to improve the water’s smell, taste, and appearance.

A small amount of disinfectant is usually intentionally left in the water at the end of the treatment process to reduce the risk of re-contamination in the distribution system.

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